Talk is not Cheap

Talking is Important.

Missionaries need to talk… fluently! They have an important message to communicate. And it takes years of hard work to gain that fluency.

That’s why Bill and his team are developing the updated Engage culture/language acquisition (CLA) how-to materials, and the Stages CLA app. We want to make the task easier by providing tools for missionary language learners and those who help them.

COVID Hasn’t Stopped the Talking

Recently Bill attended an online conference for those from many mission agencies who train or coach missionaries in the area of language and culture acquisition. ICLL (the International Congress on Language Learning) is usually held face-to-face. But COVID-19 didn’t prevent everyone from coming together virtually to learn from one another!

Over 280 people attended the conference. The attendees from our mission alone represented 8 different nationalities, and they minister in 22 countries. Many of them are training missionaries to reach even more countries where Unreached People Groups are waiting to hear the Gospel.

In a virtual break-out discussion room, Bill was also able to tell several other mission agencies about Engage and Stages, and there was a tremendous amount of interest.

Bill has been Talking (a lot)

In the weeks since ICLL, Bill has interacted with so many people as part of his consultant ministry.

We’d like to tell you about some of those conversations.

Bill has been communicating…

…with a German ministering in South America who helps missionary language learners.

…with an Australian who wants to keep her mission informed about the upcoming release of Engage and Stages.

…with a Brazilian who asked Bill for help and resources so his team can train their Brazilian missionaries to use Engage and Stages to reach the unreached tribes of Brazil.

…with our friends in South Asia, talking about how to help them use the Stages app as they train local workers to reach the unreached there.

…with the American computer programmers who are adding exciting new features to Stages even as you read this update.

…with some Americans in Papua New Guinea who are testing out an early release of the Stages app in order to give our team vital feedback.

…with a South African who is overseeing the training of African missionaries who come from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. He wants to be kept updated and to have Bill’s team provide help so those African missionaries can use Engage and Stages to reach the unreached peoples in Africa.

…with a Canadian in Ontario, and some Americans in Missouri. We’re planning to provide a week of training for them as they prepare to launch teaching Engage and Stages in their respective missionary training programs next semester.

This coming week, Bill will host two online video conferences to debrief our 40+ ICLL attendees to discuss how to apply what they learned in the online sessions.

We’re excited to have a part in providing help and tools for missionaries, for those who train them, and for the language coaches who enable them to succeed.

Jesus Told Us to Talk

All this is to enable more missionaries to…

…talk. To communicate clearly.

To “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.”

Talk isn’t cheap. It can mean a lot of hard work. But when the Gospel is what you want to talk about, it’s worth every effort.

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The Gospel Goes Viral

Busier Than Ever

October finds us grateful to be well and safe during the pandemic. We pray you are, too!

COVID-19 has changed many things in our lives recently, but it has not stopped our ministry of reaching the Unreached. In fact, ministry-wise, we are busier than ever.

Here’s a quick update on what is the same for us, what’s different, and what’s better and more exciting that we could have imagined…

The Same

  • HOME. We continue to work from home, connecting online.
  • MAKING MISSIONARIES MORE EFFECTIVE. Bill continues to work with his team developing materials and a mobile app to help missionaries gain fluency faster in order to speed up the spread of the Gospel.


  • NO TRAVEL. No surprise there! We’ve had none of our usual trips to Asia or our training centers to train missionaries and consultants.
  • VIDEO CONFERENCES. 2020 is the year of Zoom, Teams, Skype, and all the other online meeting apps for everyone, and we’re no exception. Bill spends a lot of his time connecting online with his team and with missionaries and consultants in many different countries who need his help.
  • SLOWER INTERNET. Even here in the US, our internet gets bogged down a bit lately because of all the homeschooling, video conferences, and students home from college playing online games!

Better and More Exciting

  • MORE PROGRESS FASTER. Meeting online has proven to be very effective. A two-hour meeting can be followed by a few days of processing and implementation, followed immediately by another meeting. This has actually worked better than less frequent, week-long all-day face to face meetings.
  • MORE AVAILABILITY. Progress has also picked up pace because many of Bill’s teammates, who are scattered all around the globe, actually have more time to give to the CLA (Culture and Language Acquisition) project. Some of their other ministries are on hold due to COVID-19, giving them more time to devote to working with Bill on CLA materials and the CLA app.

But the most exciting thing is SOMETHING TOTALLY NEW:

Bill and his team will have a part in training Gospel workers from all over Asia. This is a huge, new and totally unexpected opportunity in addition to those we’ve already been training! Church planters from many closed and difficult countries (shhhh… we can’t name them here) want to be better trained to reach the Unreached People Groups right there in their own countries. Many of them are in countries where it is dangerous to share the Gospel, or even to be a Christian, and where no training is available for them.

We’re excited because many of these workers need to learn another language. So they will use the culture and language acquisition (CLA) materials Bill and his team have been developing. And they will also be able to use the mobile app that goes with the CLA materials. Some will use a common language for ministry, but they will still need training in cross-cultural communication. Bill and his team will develop modules to help with training all these workers in this difficult-to-reach countries.

The prayer is that over time, this training will spread to other continents, as well. Having so many more trainees in so many different countries will greatly expand the impact of the CLA materials and the app, making the hours spent in development all the more worth the effort!

Not only this, but we’re finding missionaries from other agencies who are very interested in having their people use the CLA materials and the app.

Going Viral

So the Gospel is truly going viral… and will be spread even faster, in part because of the coronavirus! God is taking what looked like delays and frustrations and turning them into opportunities for the Gospel.

If you would like to more about the exciting new training opportunities we mentioned, let us know. We would love to fill you in! We just can’t post details online or in email communication.

A Matter of Life and Death

The Virus that Shook the World

COVID-19. The whole world is talking about it. Everyone is concerned. Everyone’s routines and lives are being disrupted. People are dying.

We pray that each of you is safe and healthy whether you are sheltering at home, or heading out to work or shop.

The Morning that Changed Everything

But the coronavirus, as bad as it may be, is not the world’s greatest problem. Many will never be infected. Many will survive. But sin affects everyone, and has a 100% death rate.

This weekend, on Easter Sunday Christians will celebrate and remember not just our Lord’s death for us, but his resurrection. When he walked out of that empty tomb, he changed everything forever! And he made salvation and eternal life possible to all who believe. There is no vaccine for sin, but there is a cure, and his name is Jesus.

Missionaries and COVID-19

People have been asking us how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting missionaries. What about those who are scattered across the globe sharing the message of the cure to sin and death?

Let us tell you what some of our missionary friends are experiencing. Then we’ll give you an update on us and our family.

Some missionaries are choosing to stay in their ministry countries. Missionaries that we trained are hunkered down in Peru, Chad, the Middle East, and all over Asia. Many are locked down in different situations. Some are being blamed for bringing the virus and even face threats of violence.

Others have been evacuated by their mission agencies–or forced to leave by local governments. Some had to change tickets and plans multiple times in the course of a few weeks, and barely slipped out of the country before international flights were stopped. They, like all the rest of us, are now under quarantine somewhere, wondering when and how, and if this will all return to normal.

One couple that Bill trained at Radius had just gotten to Asia and had barely started learning language in Asia when they suddenly had to return to the USA. But they are continuing language study as best they can over WhatsApp and Skype!

Bill and Donna Busy Indoors

What about us? Well, we’re hunkered down in our house, thankful for a nice yard to stretch our legs, thankful for phones, email and online church, and thankful for a well-stocked pantry (Bill was even able to buy TP at Costco today!) We’re working from home, which is pretty normal for us. But it’s weird to not be able to go out, and it’s hard to limit time with friends and our grandkids.

Donna’s been sick for about a week. But she tested negative for conoravirus, praise the Lord, and she is on the mend from what turned out to be an “ordinary” upper respiratory infection.

Bill’s ministry is moving ahead and he’s busier than ever!

Managing his team as they work on missionary training materials for language and culture acquisition (CLA) is really picking up pace. The mobile app is being developed and Bill is quite involved in guiding the programmers and testing the app. He’s working hard to stay ahead of them as they are making great progress.

A weekend consultant trip to Bakersfield for Bill to help missionaries learning Punjabi has been switched to a 4-day video conference call… that’s a first!

Bill’s trip to Missouri in May to get a new team member started on the culture/language project will likely switch to online interaction, as well.

Lord willing, an international forum of our missionaries to be held in Thailand in November will not have to be cancelled. Bill is planning a two-day training there for about 60 leaders and CLA consultants, and will demonstrate the new mobile app and CLA program at that time. We’re excited to see it launched!

In the past week, Bill had a one-hour phone call followed by a 90-minute Zoom conference with six Asian American college students in Los Angeles. They all attend one of our supporting churches, and these students are all interested in finding their role in reaching Unreached People Groups! They wanted to pick Bill’s brain, and they filled all those hours with tons of great questions. These conference calls may become a regular thing, at least until we can travel freely and get back to meeting face-to-face.

Our Family… and You

Our daughter Bethy is still working (Habitat for Humanity in Los Angeles). She’s working from home, but that’s not easy with Elias, an active 4-year-old, under foot since his preschool closed. We’ll go back to helping her once in a while once Donna’s fully recovered. Meanwhile, we read stories to Elias in a video chat and had quite the conversation with him this morning.

Elisa is homeschooling her two kiddos, as always, and Chris is able to work from home. We’re thanking that our kids’ jobs are considered “essential” and they are able to keep working during this time of turmoil! But it’s hard to start isolated from each other. We read stories to Max and Myri in video chat on Tuesday, and a week ago, we all had Myri’s 9th birthday party via a Zoom meeting, playing games, watching her open gifts, and watching each other eat cake in our respective homes!

And you… how are you doing through all of this? Let us know how we can pray for you. We’re thankful that God is in control and sovereign over all of this.

And we are especially thankful for each of you as you partner with us to reach the Unreached. We feel very blessed.

We have the cure! Let’s keep sharing it until our savior who walked out of that tomb returns.

Fire & Ice

Tomorrow, Bill is heading to our training center in Missouri where they teach our missionaries how to learn the language and culture of Unreached People Groups. He will take 3 days to update the staff there on the latest version of the CLA (Culture/Language Acquisition) program his team is developing.

He’ll also be meeting with a missionary who will be joining his CLA Development team full-time. We’re thankful for how this will enhance and speed up the project.


Taal volcano erupting
Taal Volcano

The Taal volcano in the Philippines is erupting. It is near where we studied Tagalog in Lipa City in 1982, so several of our former teachers live still in the area.

Two Palawano young people, a brother and sister named Risyal (“Resh”) and Melanie, are currently attending a Bible institute just outside the 11 mile “danger zone.” They are close, but safe, although they and their classmates are constantly having to clean up ash and concrete-like wet ash on their campus. Their school is also serving as a relief center, collecting and delivering clothing, water and hygiene kits to those who have been affected by the volcano.

We’re proud of them, and thankful to the Lord that he has them there, and for how he is using them to help others in His Name.

Pray for the safety of Resh, Melanie and their classmates. And pray for the relief efforts of their school.


Winter Storms

This morning, as the latest winter storm hits the US, American Airlines notified Bill that his flight plans might be “affected” because of ice and wind tomorrow. They are offering free flight rescheduling. That’s nice of them! But changing his arrival date will mess up several of his planned meetings. So we’re going to push ahead and ask the Lord to keep the skies clear in Springfield, MO!

Please pray with us to safe and unhindered travel tomorrow!

Coming Soon!

Be on the lookout for our next update. Bill just received the first trial version of the new CLA App! He’s testing it out and looking forward to giving a report.

Oh, 9,000, Give or Take…

More numbers…

This time the number is the approximate number of miles from San Diego to our destination in the Asia Pacific region. 9,000 miles–that’s a long trip.

We leave tomorrow afternoon, Friday January 5th. We should reach our destination country after 9,000 miles and (Lord willing) 28 hours of flying, terminal hopping, and carry-on dragging. We’ll spend one night in the capital city, then take a 90-minute flight to another town.

Bill will be training language consultants/coaches in 3 different workshops. If our missionaries don’t learn the language and culture well, they cannot communicate clearly or reach Unreached People groups! So it all comes down to helping them reach fluency. A very high degree of fluency.

We’re very grateful for the opportunity to continue to be a part of seeing the gospel get to the Unreached.

Please Pray

We’ll update you from over there. For now, please pray for safe travel, good connections, and that we will be healthy, rested and alert when we arrive.

Thank you for partnering with us!

Reaching the Unreached Next Door

Punjabi Sikhs



America (and California in particular) is home to many Punjabi immigrants who are members of the Sikh religion. Sikhs are not Hindus, and are often mistaken for Muslims because of their turbans and beards. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion which was founded in the 15th century in the Punjab region of India, and it is currently the 5th largest religion in the world, numbering around 30 million followers–more than all the Jews, Baha’is and Confucianists combined!

You have probably seen Punjabi people in your communities. If you are so fortunate, you have tasted their food (spicy and yummy!)

They live next door to us… yet as a people group, they remained unreached (~1% Christian).

Building Bridges

As we mentioned in a previous update, two churches in California have committed to reaching the huge Punjabi community in their city. The first step in reaching those nearly 40,000 Punjabi Sikhs is to build genuine relationships, to learn their language, and to understand them at a deep, heart-and-worldview level. The goal is to develop real, long-term relationships; not just “being-friendly-so-I-can-preach-at-you” relationships.

Punjabi woman

Baby Steps

Bill just returned from a follow-up trip to Central California where he and another consultant met with one of those churches to help them identify the most strategic neighborhoods and strategies, and to determine which of the many dialects of Punjabi would be the most effective for sharing about Christ.

Join the Team Through Prayer

Would you pray for the Punjabis to come to Christ? Pray also for those who face the challenge of learning the Punjabi language and building cross-cultural relationships.

And pray for Bill as he coaches them in their language learning.

Because everyone deserves to hear in their Heart Language.


Photos from Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike Unported license: Yann (Punjabi man, 3.0 Unported license) and Raminder pal Singh (Punjabi woman, 2.0 Generic license.)